
Lean Implemenation Strategy / Improvements Potential Analysis

Before we start massive work on production system development we suggest that we help to define the change strategy, estimate the efficiency reserves, compile the project roadmap, assess the scale of required investment. As we engage in this initial stage of practical improvements, top executives are getting involved and dedicated to lean principles.

Production System Development

Production system development is the renewal of the organizational philosophy. New lean corporate principles help to detect problems, work out a correct approach to them, find profit where others see loss. It is the spirit of continuous improvement that attracts companies around the world to lean philosophy.

Lean Tools Implementation

Sometimes companies call us in for support after they have launched their projects. They need assistance in carrying out some tasks on one or more processes of their lean implementation strategy. Our support in this case consists of fast diagnostics and correction of their work to achieve the project KPIs. The practical implementation of lean instruments is realized through Intensive sessions.

Production System Audit

Lots of companies want to estimate the efficiency of their lean implementation project. We are experienced to assess all the elements of the production system from the viewpoint of functionality, effectiveness, integration, pace and prospects.

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